Tag: Navel Orange



Navel Oranges from Egypt

Navel oranges are one the most popular, fresh-eating varieties. Sweet and easy-to-peel, they may be segmented and used as a salad ingredient

or in baked goods.

Pair with dried fruits, nuts, olives, cheeses, fresh herbs. Use juice and zest to flavor syrups, curds and dough.

The navel oranges are the earliest maturing of orange varieties, producing the seedless fruit of larger size thanmost others,with deep orange

easily peeled rinds and a sweet & pleasant flavor.

Navel oranges are seedless, excellent for fresh eating but do not have good juicing characters.

Naval is consideredthe finest orange for fresh eating! Very sweet and naturally juicy, of course, peel and segment very easily to complement

fresh eating.

HS Code: 080510

Variety: Navel.

Sizes: 36/40/42/48/56/64/72/80/88/100/113

Package: 15 KG N.W.-16 KG G.W. Standard carton.

15 Kg Open Top Carton.

8 Kg Carton.

Availability: November until End of February

Shipping: Sea Shipment


80 Cartons / Pallet

20 Pallet / 40 FT container

Brand Name: VegiFood

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